
Solutions for life.
We offer several checking accounts designed to meet your personal banking needs.

For those who want a basic checking account with less restrictions.
  • Minimum opening deposit: $100
  • No minimum balance requirement
  • No monthly service charge 

For those who want to earn interest income on their checking account.
  • Minimum opening deposit: $500
  • The $10 monthly service charge is waived when you maintain a daily balance of $500 or an average daily balance of $1,500
  • Competitive interest rates for balances over $500

For those who keep higher balances and want to maximize interest income.
  • Minimum opening deposit: $2,500
  • The $10 monthly service charge is waived when you maintain a daily balance of $2,500 
  • Competitive interest rates for balances over $2,500
Ready for your next project?  We can help.